
Here you will find further information on the thomas gruppe as a download. For further information on the diverse fields of activity of the thomas group, please refer to the respective subpages of our business units Concrete ComponentsCement and Concrete.

Concrete components



Prefabricated parts for residential construction

Prefabricated parts for commercial and industrial construction

Beams and joists



Portland limestone cement CEM II/A-LL 42.5 N (sw)

Portland limestone cement CEM II/A-LL 52.5 N

Portland slag cement CEM II/A-S 52,5 R (sp)

Blast-furnace slag cement CEM III/A 42,5 N (1)

Blast-furnace slag cement CEM III/A 42,5 N (na)

Blast-furnace slag cement CEM III/B 32.5 N-LH/SR (na)

Special binders

Landfill binders