Portland-slag cement CEM II/A-S 52.5 R (sp) Shotcrete

Key features

  • very high early and high final strength
  • very high heat of hydration
  • for the application in wet shotcrete
  • optimized setting and hardening behavior
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CEM II/A-S 52,5 R (sp) is a Portland-slag cement according to DIN EN 197-1. It is produced by the joint grinding or mixing of Portland cement clinker, granulated blastfurnace slag and specially selected sulfate carrier as solidification regulator.

Portland-slag cement CEM II/A-S 52.5 R (sp) is a special cement that meets the particular requirements for the production of concrete by the wet-spraying method. It is used in wet-sprayed concrete to secure tunnels excavated by mining methods and to secure slopes and excavation pits in civil engineering.

  • Very good concrete workability
  • low rebound
  • economical shotcrete formulations due to low additive dosage (accelerator)

CEM II/A-S 52.5 R (sp) is delivered loose in silo trains.
