Big summer party at the Georgensgmünd site of the company thomas betonbauteile
On 09.09.22, a big summer party was celebrated on the premises of thomas betonbauteile in Georgensgmünd.
Around 120 invited guests took their seats in the specially erected marquee. Employees of the thomas group, the Georgensgmünd site, the managing director Jörg Staiger as well as the owner Eckhardt Thomas proudly presented the reconstruction results to the partners and customers of the region. With an investment sum of approx. 6.5 million € and a total of three years of conversion work, the precast concrete plant was completely renovated and modernised, turning “old” into “new”. Only the supporting structure is still reminiscent of the old plant.
The guests present were able to take a close look at all the innovations during guided tours of the plant and received further information on production and the modernisation work. In addition, they were given an insight into the working methods at thomas betonbauteile and were allowed to get to know selected workplaces from CAD, scheduling and work preparation. The brave among the guests were allowed to enjoy the view from a height of 30 metres down from the mixing tower. With subsequent catering in the marquee, the afternoon was brought to a close with interesting conversations and delicious food.
The thomas betonbauteile Georgensgmünd site would like to thank all participants for the successful festival and the great cooperation!