Outsourcing of thomas group companies to thomas next
In October, parts of the thomas gruppe were outsourced to thomas next.
For years, Mr. Thomas has been dealing with the question of how the thomas group can be optimally prepared for the upcoming generation change and the future. In the meantime, the group has reached a size and strength that make it a special challenge to manage the entire company. This is not least because the group of companies is active in many different business areas and regions and should continue to grow and thus also give its employees the opportunity to develop. This task is complex, probably too complex, for the next generation, which does not have and cannot have 45 years of experience in different business areas. Therefore, Mr. Thomas was convinced that it was time to divide the group of companies into different business units that are more manageable and easier to control.
The outsourced companies are the complete precast, transport, asphalt, stone and road construction business, all other activities in Poland (ready-mix concrete and special binders), and the concrete components business in southern and western Germany.
Both groups of companies, thomas beteiligungen and thomas next, will be run as separate corporate entities. As far as ownership is concerned, this will remain unchanged in the hands of Mr. Thomas at thomas beteiligungen. In addition to thomas beteiligungen, Iris Thomas and external business partners with entrepreneurial experience will be involved in thomas next.