Key features
- Reinforcement systems such as punching shear reinforcements and reverse bend connections
- Different systems from leading manufacturers depending on requirements
- Use of approved systems
- Scheduling and installation directly in the factory
We are happy to install reinforcement systems already in the factory.
- Planning reliability through approved systems
- High quality and dimensional accuracy
- Time saving on the construction site
Nico Proy
Calculation manager
thomas allton GmbH
Veltener Straße 99
16761 Hennigsdorf
T +49 (3302) 803 562
E nico.proy@thomas-next.de
Thomas Rudolph
Kalkulation FT
thomas fertigteile Löbnitz GmbH
Ringstraße 2a
06369 Löbnitz
T +49 (3496) 502 035
F +49 (3496) 502 056
E thomas.rudolph@thomas-next.de